So this year we Nerds have a ton of cool looking movies to look forward to! I'm not saying they are all going to be blockbuster hits but they certainly fit our genre. Ones that I am personally excited about are-
Captain America
Pirates 4 (Yes, I know how bad the third one was..)
Sherlock Holmes 2
Transformers- Dark of the Moon
The Last Harry Potter Movie (this is more for closure)
X-men First Class
Green Lantern (Why the heck not?)
There are some other possible gems in there as well. Hangover 2 comes out this summer as well as some interesting looking new titles like Suckerpunch and Battle-Lost Angeles.
That is just naming the big titles- I am sure I've missed quite a few good ones slated for the big screen in 2011.
What do you guys think about this years run of movies?