Thanks for a successful Prerelease, we will hopefully be moving up to Advanced TO allowing us to have Gameday at the store.
Cape Fear Games is announcing their WorldWake Launch Party and Release events for Saturday, February 6th.
Registration starts at 12:30pm. Swiss Sealed event starts at 1pm. Draft Flights (ZZW or WWW) will be running all day starting at 1pm.
Swiss Sealed Event (Main Event) 1pm start time, $25, 3 packs of Zendikar, 3 packs of Worldwake, release promo while supplies last. Prizes are based on the number of players.
Draft Flights start at 1pm, 8 man, 5-3-2-2, $15, ZZW, or WWW.
Discount: Any draft after your first event is just $13 all day.